Disclaimer: The presenters feel that these workshops generate extraordinary benefits for all attendees.
However, EFT is a very flexible process and thus the workshops represent the views of the presenter(s)
and do not necessarily reflect those of EFT, Gary Craig or Stefan Gonick, the owner of this web site.
Teleclass Information
I offer online English Healing Circles every second and last Wednesday of the month. I use a few powerful holistic healing techniques (especially EFT-tapping, a word-based tool, Havening and whatever else comes to mind as we go along) to liberate blocked energy, shift negative thoughts and reduce emotional distress in the body. By the end of our time together, we always have more clarity and relaxation around whatever we've been concerned about.
We work on all types of issues (self-love, relationships, finances, work, general stress or overwhelm) and emotions (anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, etc.) that are upsetting you.
Doing these “energetic toning” exercises together a couple of times a month is a great form of self-care. It also brings us a nourishing sense of community. All this helps to reduce our general stress levels and often gives us the clarity needed to make more conscious life choices.
All are welcome as it’s easy to follow along even if you’ve never used the techniques before. I’m always there to guide you.
Register by email or through the contact form on my website to receive the Zoom link to join. Share this event with all those who could benefit.
If you need more information, contact me.
J'offre également des cercles de guérison en français. Me contacter par courriel ou via le formulaire de contact sur mon site web si tu as des questions.
Discover the 3 Keys to Finding Lasting Love
EFT never ceases to amaze me! The process is gentle and often provides benefits where other methods fail.
Dr. R. Vergini, MD